PPE Solutions
for Your Industry
In the Farming and Agriculture Industry, PPE is predominantly the last line of defence from debris, chemicals, and other hazards. Please take a look at our latest Brochure for PPE options that suit both your workers, and industry.
A Heavy Duty, robust Glove, Safety Goggle or Ear Protection for what can be a harsh environment. Our range offers the sustainable solution, and is dedicated to providing protection.
Emergency Services & Public Sector
Whether handling emergency medical care, to providing safety and services from Environmental or hazardous objects - We believe we can find the solution for you. Please take a look at our Brochure, and if something isn't there for you, feel free to request it.
Energy & Maintenance
Renewable Energy? Heavy Industry? We can also offer your business the sustainability of having biodegradable, sustainable PPE alternatives, that still provide Safety to yourself and your colleagues. Please feel free to take a look at our Range, and contact us directly.
Medical Industry and Food Preparation
The Medical Industry in the past few years have incurred some incredible tonnage of waste through no fault of its own. We would love to change that. Please take a look at our range, and also don't hesitate to ask for bespoke and suitable items for additional alternatives.